
Independent Living Centre Kingston (ILCK)

ILCK is a regional, non-profit organization, run by and for people with disabilities, promoting Independent Living. We provide leadership, support, and skills development for people with disabilities and our communities.

Independent Living Centre Kingston (ILCK)

540 Montreal St
Kingston, Ontario
K7K 3J2
Tel: (613) 542-8353
Fax: (613) 542-4783
TTY: (613) 542-8371
Toll Free:1-800-553-4572

Covers the regions of Frontenac, Hastings, Lanark/Leeds and Grenville, Prince Edward, Lennox and Addington.

Photo of Neil Allen

Neil Allen

Direct Funding Coordinator
Tel: (613) 542-8353 Ext: 27

Photo of Joseph McCauley

Joseph McCauley

Program Assistant
Tel: (613) 542-8353 Ext: 29

Photo of Elizabeth Stevenson

Elizabeth Stevenson

Programs & Services Manager
Tel: (613) 542-8353 Ext: 33

Program administered by Centre for Independent Living Toronto
For more information on the Direct Funding program, contact CILT:

Centre for Independent Living in Toronto (CILT)
365 Bloor Street East Suite 902
Toronto, Ontario
M4W 3L4

Tel: (416) 599-2458
Fax: (416) 599-3555
TTY: (416) 599-5077
Toll Free:1-800-354-9950

"I have found self-managing wonderful! I now know that I can get up when I want, I can decide who I want to help me in and out of my bath, I don't have to worry about having so many people in my home from so many different agencies."
- 26-year-old woman living with children

Program puts more people with disabilities in control

The Direct Funding Program is being expanded to allow more Ontarians with disabilities to live independently in their homes.

You can read more about this in our News Release.

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